First Posted on 17th April 2008:
Please refer to here for the latest article in The Star. This Prof. Dr. Mohd. Mustafa has the galls to say that the political coup that is soon to be raised by Datuk Seri Anwar is unethical. And his balls are so big that he has even challenged Anwar's strengths in politics by saying 'Perhaps that is why Anwar himself is not standing in any by-election, as it would undermine his leadership if he could not garner a landslide majority". Time will tell, my dear mediocre Professor Doctor. But I digress. Ethical, you say? I guess corruption is ethical. I guess the repression of the voices of the people is ethical too. Wait, I think C4'ing a Mongolian and pushing the blame to a scapegoat is ethical too! While many may agree that it's not right for Datuk Seri Anwar to do stage the coup e' tat, me included, the recent actions made by our darling government have been so arrogant that I am now looking forward to the day Datuk Seri Anwar becomes Prime Minister, the faster the better.
Say, what did our government do after the March 8 elections? UMNO and MCA leaders bickering amongst themselves and putting the blame on everything but the kitchen sink. Not listening to the public's outcry to release the HINDRAF 5, while the bright-minded Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar defended the government's action that they were 'still a national threat to security'. How? Please list the reasons so that we can understand your justifications. And on the same note, he also said that the Makkal Osai's permit was 'not revoked, is merely not extended'... The end result is the same lah, Datuk. No permit means no permit. And his justification this time? Same case. Use the 'threat to national security' card again. Seems like that point alone justifies a lot of stuff lately. The next time our government does anything that the public doesn't like, hey! They can just say it's for your national safety. Good grief. BUT! That's not all!
What about that pig-farm-blog-entry-by-Malacca-CM incident? The Malaccans have such a bright fellow for a CM that I project many many great things will come from his administration. Or his mouth, at least. First, he congratulates the people of Selangor for electing Pakatan Rakyat, and that the present that they were given was 'kandang babi'. Sure, he gets 400+ comments, mostly to nail his ass on the wall, and what does he do? If I remember correctly, YB Lim Kit Siang had a similar response when he posted in his blog that all the DAP assemblymen would boycott the swearing-in of the Perak MB. He APOLOGIZES and RETRACTS his statements. This is what a wise person does. The CM Datuk Seri Mohd. Ali Rustam deletes all the comments, disables the comments feature on the blog, and then attributes all of this to 'hacker attacks'. Now this is what a smartass does.
How I wish to be in politics right now. So many targets, so little time. I can't believe that all this time we were being ruled by people with such low education and yet they manage to stay in power for so long... Wait. I think I do. Oh well.. On to you to lead the way, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim!
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