Ha! Another politically-charged article coming at you! It's been a very turbulent week lately for Malaysia, and even though I was away, I'd still like to discuss about the currently hot topic on HINDRAF. Why should I care about this? Because there is a slight probability that our country might experience civil unrest in the near future..
First off, I find it very disturbing how our mass media is reporting different 'news' to our nation from other overseas networks (BBC, Al-Jazeera, AP). While our rakyat is served government-edited and a biased news by our press domestically, other countries are again having a ball laughing at our nation's predicament. As much as I love political stability, the way our government handles these issues are a bit questionable. Riots? Blame it on HINDRAF. My mamak stall got assaulted by a gang of hooligans which happened to be Indians? Blame it on HINDRAF. My toilet's jammed again? Hey, you know the drill.
From the way our news was reported (by our domestic press), they mentioned that the Batu Caves temple's locked gates were forced open and the temple itself was damaged by HINDRAF people. But isn't it curious that HINDRAF was originally fighting for Indians' rights in the first place because Hindu temples were being unlawfully demolished? And about the mamak incident, shit, how would YOU know it was caused by HINDRAF people? "we're from HINDRAF and we don't like your roti canai, so we're gonna beat up your ass and crap your place up"? From all the publicity that they're getting from our courteous newspeople, it seems like it's gonna be an uphill battle for them as the rakyat (by rakyat i mean the ignorant fools who think that the Angkasawan was the best thing that happened to Malaysia.. yes, I'm talking about you, you dumbass) will be looking at HINDRAF with disgust. Heck, even our PM is jumping onto the bandwagon.. Invoke the ISA?
Oh, and what does our highest-ranking Indian official in Malaysia say? Well, go check out his interview with Reuters here.
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